Thursday Night Netball Ladies 7 - Summer/Autumn 2023/24 - A/B Grade - Current Standings (Fixtures)

  • Position assignment between JFF, All Sorts, Untouch-a-balls, The A Team, Contact Keeper, Sparks, Long Shots 2.0 and Sapphires decided via points
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs JFF, 24/08/2023 6:45PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs Tyrannusballus Rex, 31/08/2023 7:35PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs JFF, 14/09/2023 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs JFF, 21/09/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs JFF, 28/09/2023 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs JFF, 12/10/2023 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs JFF, 19/10/2023 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs All Sorts, 26/10/2023 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs Sapphires, 02/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs Contact Keeper, 16/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs The A Team, 23/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs Sparks, 30/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs Untouch-a-balls, 07/12/2023 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs JFF, 14/12/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Sapphires vs JFF, 21/12/2023 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs Long Shots 2.0, 18/01/2024 4:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs JFF, 18/01/2024 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs JFF, 25/01/2024 4:05PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs JFF, 25/01/2024 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs Long Shots 2.0, 01/02/2024 4:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs JFF, 01/02/2024 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • 07/09/2023: 8 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between JFF, All Sorts, Untouch-a-balls, The A Team, Contact Keeper, Sparks, Long Shots 2.0 and Sapphires decided via points
All Sorts22171400081960121873149
  • All Sorts vs Untouch-a-balls, 24/08/2023 6:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Blue, 31/08/2023 6:05PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Hungry Hippos, 07/09/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Long Shots 2.0, 14/09/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Sapphires, 21/09/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Sparks, 28/09/2023 6:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs The A Team, 05/10/2023 6:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs All Sorts, 12/10/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs All Sorts, 19/10/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs All Sorts, 26/10/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs All Sorts, 02/11/2023 6:00PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs All Sorts, 09/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs All Sorts, 16/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs All Sorts, 23/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored (Maximum: 4 points))
  • All Sorts vs Untouch-a-balls, 30/11/2023 6:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Contact Keeper, 07/12/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs JFF, 14/12/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • All Sorts vs Long Shots 2.0, 21/12/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs The A Team, 18/01/2024 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Sparks, 18/01/2024 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs All Sorts, 25/01/2024 3:20PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Contact Keeper vs All Sorts, 01/02/2024 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Position assignment between JFF, All Sorts, Untouch-a-balls, The A Team, Contact Keeper, Sparks, Long Shots 2.0 and Sapphires decided via points
  • All Sorts vs Untouch-a-balls, 24/08/2023 6:00PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Untouch-a-balls, 31/08/2023 6:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Untouch-a-balls, 07/09/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Untouch-a-balls, 14/09/2023 6:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Contact Keeper, 21/09/2023 6:45PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Sparks, 05/10/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs All Sorts, 12/10/2023 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs JFF, 19/10/2023 8:15PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Sapphires, 26/10/2023 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs The A Team, 02/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs Untouch-a-balls, 09/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Untouch-a-balls, 16/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Untouch-a-balls, 23/11/2023 9:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Untouch-a-balls, 30/11/2023 6:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs Untouch-a-balls, 07/12/2023 8:15PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Untouch-a-balls, 14/12/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Untouch-a-balls, 21/12/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Long Shots 2.0, 11/01/2024 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Sparks, 18/01/2024 6:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Long Shots 2.0, 18/01/2024 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs All Sorts, 25/01/2024 3:20PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Untouch-a-balls vs JFF, 01/02/2024 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Position assignment between JFF, All Sorts, Untouch-a-balls, The A Team, Contact Keeper, Sparks, Long Shots 2.0 and Sapphires decided via points
The A Team2111911007286943462116
  • Netchix vs The A Team, 31/08/2023 8:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Teacher Shortage vs The A Team, 07/09/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Untouch-a-balls, 14/09/2023 6:00PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs JFF, 21/09/2023 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Sapphires, 28/09/2023 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs The A Team, 05/10/2023 6:00PM
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Contact Keeper, 12/10/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Long Shots 2.0, 19/10/2023 6:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Sparks, 26/10/2023 6:00PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs The A Team, 02/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs The A Team, 23/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs All Sorts, 23/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs The A Team, 30/11/2023 9:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs The A Team, 07/12/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs The A Team, 14/12/2023 6:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Untouch-a-balls, 21/12/2023 7:30PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Sapphires, 11/01/2024 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs The A Team, 18/01/2024 4:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • All Sorts vs The A Team, 18/01/2024 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Contact Keeper, 25/01/2024 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Long Shots 2.0, 01/02/2024 6:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • 24/08/2023: 8 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between JFF, All Sorts, Untouch-a-balls, The A Team, Contact Keeper, Sparks, Long Shots 2.0 and Sapphires decided via points
Contact Keeper2110110000658702-445696
  • Contact Keeper vs The Supernovas, 24/08/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Contact Keeper, 31/08/2023 8:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Contact Keeper, 07/09/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Contact Keeper, 14/09/2023 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Contact Keeper, 21/09/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs JFF, 28/09/2023 8:15PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Contact Keeper, 12/10/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs All Sorts, 19/10/2023 6:45PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs Long Shots 2.0, 26/10/2023 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs Sparks, 02/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs Untouch-a-balls, 09/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs Contact Keeper, 16/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs The A Team, 30/11/2023 9:00PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Contact Keeper, 07/12/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Contact Keeper, 14/12/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs Sapphires, 18/01/2024 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs JFF, 18/01/2024 7:30PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Contact Keeper, 25/01/2024 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Contact Keeper, 25/01/2024 8:15PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs All Sorts, 01/02/2024 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs Sapphires, 01/02/2024 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Position assignment between JFF, All Sorts, Untouch-a-balls, The A Team, Contact Keeper, Sparks, Long Shots 2.0 and Sapphires decided via points
  • Sparks vs Sapphires, 24/08/2023 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Victorious Secret, 31/08/2023 7:35PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs The Supernovas, 07/09/2023 6:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Contact Keeper, 14/09/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Long Shots 2.0, 21/09/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Sparks, 28/09/2023 6:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Sparks, 05/10/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs JFF, 12/10/2023 8:15PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Sapphires, 19/10/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Sparks, 26/10/2023 6:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs Sparks, 02/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Sparks, 09/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs All Sorts, 16/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Untouch-a-balls, 23/11/2023 9:00PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs Sparks, 30/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Sparks, 07/12/2023 8:15PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs The A Team, 14/12/2023 6:00PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Sparks, 18/01/2024 6:00PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Sparks, 18/01/2024 7:30PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs JFF, 25/01/2024 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Contact Keeper, 25/01/2024 7:30PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Sapphires, 01/02/2024 6:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Position assignment between JFF, All Sorts, Untouch-a-balls, The A Team, Contact Keeper, Sparks, Long Shots 2.0 and Sapphires decided via points
Long Shots 2.0235180000631830-1995474
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs JFF, 24/08/2023 6:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Untouch-a-balls, 31/08/2023 6:50PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Contact Keeper, 07/09/2023 6:45PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Long Shots 2.0, 14/09/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Long Shots 2.0, 21/09/2023 6:45PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Long Shots 2.0, 12/10/2023 7:30PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Long Shots 2.0, 19/10/2023 6:00PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs Long Shots 2.0, 26/10/2023 8:15PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs All Sorts, 02/11/2023 6:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Sparks, 09/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Untouch-a-balls, 16/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Long Shots 2.0, 23/11/2023 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Sapphires, 30/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs The A Team, 07/12/2023 7:30PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Contact Keeper, 14/12/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Long Shots 2.0, 21/12/2023 6:45PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Long Shots 2.0, 11/01/2024 8:15PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Long Shots 2.0, 18/01/2024 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Long Shots 2.0, 25/01/2024 9:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Long Shots 2.0, 01/02/2024 6:00PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Position assignment between JFF, All Sorts, Untouch-a-balls, The A Team, Contact Keeper, Sparks, Long Shots 2.0 and Sapphires decided via points
  • Sparks vs Sapphires, 24/08/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Contact Keeper, 31/08/2023 8:20PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Untouch-a-balls, 07/09/2023 7:30PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs JFF, 14/09/2023 8:15PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • All Sorts vs Sapphires, 21/09/2023 7:30PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Sapphires, 28/09/2023 8:15PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Long Shots 2.0, 12/10/2023 7:30PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Sapphires, 19/10/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Untouch-a-balls vs Sapphires, 26/10/2023 8:15PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • JFF vs Sapphires, 02/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs All Sorts, 09/11/2023 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Long Shots 2.0, 23/11/2023 8:15PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Long Shots 2.0 vs Sapphires, 30/11/2023 7:30PM
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Sparks, 07/12/2023 8:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Untouch-a-balls, 14/12/2023 7:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs JFF, 21/12/2023 8:15PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • The A Team vs Sapphires, 11/01/2024 7:30PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs The A Team, 18/01/2024 4:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Contact Keeper vs Sapphires, 18/01/2024 6:45PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sapphires vs Long Shots 2.0, 25/01/2024 9:00PM
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Sparks vs Sapphires, 01/02/2024 6:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 3 bonus points (1 point for every 10 scored)
  • Contact Keeper vs Sapphires, 01/02/2024 7:30PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 10 scored)


Thursday 24 Aug 2023
6:00PMCourt 1
All Sorts
39 - 28
6:45PMCourt 1
Long Shots 2.0
39 - 38
6:45PMCourt 2
Contact Keeper
35 - 26
The Supernovas
7:30PMCourt 2
32 - 34
ByeThe A Team
Thursday 24 August 2023
6:00PM Court 1
All Sorts39
6:45PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.039
6:45PM Court 2
Contact Keeper35
The Supernovas26
7:30PM Court 2
Bye: The A Team
Thursday 31 Aug 2023
6:05PMCourt 1
All Sorts
40 - 22
6:50PMCourt 2
Long Shots 2.0
28 - 38
7:35PMCourt 1
40 - 19
Victorious Secret
7:35PMCourt 2
44 - 22
Tyrannusballus Rex
8:20PMCourt 1
20 - 46
The A Team
8:20PMCourt 2
21 - 29
Contact Keeper
Thursday 31 August 2023
6:05PM Court 1
All Sorts40
6:50PM Court 2
Long Shots 2.028
7:35PM Court 1
Victorious Secret19
7:35PM Court 2
Tyrannusballus Rex22
8:20PM Court 1
The A Team46
8:20PM Court 2
Contact Keeper29
Thursday 07 Sep 2023
6:00PMCourt 2
38 - 19
The Supernovas
6:45PMCourt 1
All Sorts
47 - 26
Hungry Hippos
6:45PMCourt 2
Long Shots 2.0
32 - 37
Contact Keeper
7:30PMCourt 1
25 - 43
7:30PMCourt 2
Teacher Shortage
37 - 47
The A Team
Thursday 07 September 2023
6:00PM Court 2
The Supernovas19
6:45PM Court 1
All Sorts47
Hungry Hippos26
6:45PM Court 2
Long Shots 2.032
Contact Keeper37
7:30PM Court 1
7:30PM Court 2
Teacher Shortage37
The A Team47
Bye: JFF
Thursday 14 Sep 2023
6:00PMCourt 1
The A Team
28 - 29
6:45PMCourt 2
All Sorts
40 - 29
Long Shots 2.0
7:30PMCourt 2
38 - 36
Contact Keeper
8:15PMCourt 2
19 - 37
Thursday 14 September 2023
6:00PM Court 1
The A Team28
6:45PM Court 2
All Sorts40
Long Shots 2.029
7:30PM Court 2
Contact Keeper36
8:15PM Court 2
Thursday 21 Sep 2023
6:45PMCourt 1
38 - 41
Contact Keeper
6:45PMCourt 2
43 - 31
Long Shots 2.0
7:30PMCourt 1
All Sorts
42 - 21
7:30PMCourt 2
The A Team
30 - 47
Thursday 21 September 2023
6:45PM Court 1
Contact Keeper41
6:45PM Court 2
Long Shots 2.031
7:30PM Court 1
All Sorts42
7:30PM Court 2
The A Team30
Thursday 28 Sep 2023
6:00PMCourt 1
All Sorts
37 - 37
8:15PMCourt 1
The A Team
41 - 31
8:15PMCourt 2
Contact Keeper
22 - 34
Thursday 28 September 2023
6:00PM Court 1
All Sorts37
8:15PM Court 1
The A Team41
8:15PM Court 2
Contact Keeper22
Thursday 05 Oct 2023
6:00PMCourt 1
All Sorts
43 - 40
The A Team
6:45PMCourt 2
45 - 25
Thursday 05 October 2023
6:00PM Court 1
All Sorts43
The A Team40
6:45PM Court 2
Thursday 12 Oct 2023
6:45PMCourt 2
The A Team
39 - 27
Contact Keeper
7:30PMCourt 1
27 - 23
Long Shots 2.0
7:30PMCourt 2
34 - 41
All Sorts
8:15PMCourt 2
30 - 42
Thursday 12 October 2023
6:45PM Court 2
The A Team39
Contact Keeper27
7:30PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.023
7:30PM Court 2
All Sorts41
8:15PM Court 2
Thursday 19 Oct 2023
6:00PMCourt 1
The A Team
39 - 25
Long Shots 2.0
6:45PMCourt 1
31 - 22
6:45PMCourt 2
Contact Keeper
35 - 43
All Sorts
8:15PMCourt 1
28 - 41
Thursday 19 October 2023
6:00PM Court 1
The A Team39
Long Shots 2.025
6:45PM Court 1
6:45PM Court 2
Contact Keeper35
All Sorts43
8:15PM Court 1
Thursday 26 Oct 2023
6:00PMCourt 2
The A Team
33 - 45
7:30PMCourt 2
31 - 42
All Sorts
8:15PMCourt 1
41 - 23
8:15PMCourt 2
Contact Keeper
33 - 25
Long Shots 2.0
Thursday 26 October 2023
6:00PM Court 2
The A Team33
7:30PM Court 2
All Sorts42
8:15PM Court 1
8:15PM Court 2
Contact Keeper33
Long Shots 2.025
Thursday 02 Nov 2023
6:00PMCourt 1
Long Shots 2.0
40 - 37
All Sorts
6:45PMCourt 1
34 - 27
6:45PMCourt 2
Contact Keeper
30 - 29
7:30PMCourt 1
32 - 30
The A Team
Thursday 02 November 2023
6:00PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.040
All Sorts37
6:45PM Court 1
6:45PM Court 2
Contact Keeper30
7:30PM Court 1
The A Team30
Thursday 09 Nov 2023
6:45PMCourt 2
25 - 39
All Sorts
7:30PMCourt 1
Long Shots 2.0
30 - 41
7:30PMCourt 2
Contact Keeper
26 - 43
Thursday 09 November 2023
6:45PM Court 2
All Sorts39
7:30PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.030
7:30PM Court 2
Contact Keeper26
Thursday 16 Nov 2023
6:45PMCourt 1
36 - 32
Contact Keeper
6:45PMCourt 2
29 - 43
All Sorts
7:30PMCourt 1
Long Shots 2.0
34 - 44
Thursday 16 November 2023
6:45PM Court 1
Contact Keeper32
6:45PM Court 2
All Sorts43
7:30PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.034
Thursday 23 Nov 2023
6:45PMCourt 1
37 - 26
The A Team
7:30PMCourt 1
The A Team
32 - 57
All Sorts
8:15PMCourt 1
37 - 39
Long Shots 2.0
9:00PMCourt 1
37 - 46
Thursday 23 November 2023
6:45PM Court 1
The A Team26
7:30PM Court 1
The A Team32
All Sorts57
8:15PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.039
9:00PM Court 1
Thursday 30 Nov 2023
6:00PMCourt 1
All Sorts
35 - 35
7:30PMCourt 1
Long Shots 2.0
35 - 31
7:30PMCourt 2
41 - 28
9:00PMCourt 1
Contact Keeper
32 - 41
The A Team
Thursday 30 November 2023
6:00PM Court 1
All Sorts35
7:30PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.035
7:30PM Court 2
9:00PM Court 1
Contact Keeper32
The A Team41
Thursday 07 Dec 2023
6:45PMCourt 1
All Sorts
47 - 27
Contact Keeper
7:30PMCourt 1
Long Shots 2.0
28 - 31
The A Team
8:15PMCourt 1
37 - 25
8:15PMCourt 2
43 - 19
Thursday 07 December 2023
6:45PM Court 1
All Sorts47
Contact Keeper27
7:30PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.028
The A Team31
8:15PM Court 1
8:15PM Court 2
Thursday 14 Dec 2023
6:00PMCourt 1
33 - 35
The A Team
6:45PMCourt 1
All Sorts
0 - 0
6:45PMCourt 2
Long Shots 2.0
29 - 37
Contact Keeper
7:30PMCourt 1
18 - 43
Thursday 14 December 2023
6:00PM Court 1
The A Team35
6:45PM Court 1
All Sorts0
6:45PM Court 2
Long Shots 2.029
Contact Keeper37
7:30PM Court 1
Thursday 21 Dec 2023
6:45PMCourt 2
All Sorts
40 - 32
Long Shots 2.0
7:30PMCourt 2
The A Team
22 - 39
8:15PMCourt 1
22 - 45
Thursday 21 December 2023
6:45PM Court 2
All Sorts40
Long Shots 2.032
7:30PM Court 2
The A Team22
8:15PM Court 1
Thursday 11 Jan 2024
7:30PMCourt 1
The A Team
37 - 29
8:15PMCourt 1
44 - 35
Long Shots 2.0
Thursday 11 January 2024
7:30PM Court 1
The A Team37
8:15PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.035
Thursday 18 Jan 2024
4:45PMCourt 2
0 - 0
The A Team
4:45PMCourt 3
30 - 0
Long Shots 2.0
6:00PMCourt 1
42 - 26
6:45PMCourt 1
All Sorts
40 - 29
The A Team
6:45PMCourt 3
Contact Keeper
31 - 25
7:30PMCourt 1
37 - 35
Long Shots 2.0
7:30PMCourt 2
Contact Keeper
27 - 37
7:30PMCourt 3
All Sorts
34 - 23
Thursday 18 January 2024
4:45PM Court 2
The A Team0
4:45PM Court 3
Long Shots 2.00
6:00PM Court 1
6:45PM Court 1
All Sorts40
The A Team29
6:45PM Court 3
Contact Keeper31
7:30PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.035
7:30PM Court 2
Contact Keeper27
7:30PM Court 3
All Sorts34
Thursday 25 Jan 2024
3:20PMCourt 1
0 - 0
All Sorts
4:05PMCourt 1
Long Shots 2.0
0 - 30
6:45PMCourt 1
29 - 41
7:30PMCourt 2
24 - 36
Contact Keeper
8:15PMCourt 1
The A Team
44 - 31
Contact Keeper
9:00PMCourt 1
28 - 30
Long Shots 2.0
Thursday 25 January 2024
3:20PM Court 1
All Sorts0
4:05PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.00
6:45PM Court 1
7:30PM Court 2
Contact Keeper36
8:15PM Court 1
The A Team44
Contact Keeper31
9:00PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.030
Thursday 01 Feb 2024
4:25PMCourt 1
30 - 0
Long Shots 2.0
6:00PMCourt 1
The A Team
38 - 32
Long Shots 2.0
6:45PMCourt 1
34 - 34
6:45PMCourt 2
Contact Keeper
26 - 33
All Sorts
7:30PMCourt 2
35 - 45
7:30PMCourt 3
Contact Keeper
28 - 18
Thursday 01 February 2024
4:25PM Court 1
Long Shots 2.00
6:00PM Court 1
The A Team38
Long Shots 2.032
6:45PM Court 1
6:45PM Court 2
Contact Keeper26
All Sorts33
7:30PM Court 2
7:30PM Court 3
Contact Keeper28
Thursday 08 Feb 2024

Semi Final A Grade
6:45PMCourt 1
42 - 36
The A Team

Semi Final B Grade
7:30PMCourt 1
34 - 37
Long Shots 2.0

Semi Final A Grade
7:30PMCourt 2
All Sorts
34 - 36

Semi Final B Grade
8:15PMCourt 2
Contact Keeper
35 - 30
Thursday 08 February 2024
6:45PM Court 1
Semi Final A Grade
The A Team36
7:30PM Court 1
Semi Final B Grade
Long Shots 2.037
7:30PM Court 2
Semi Final A Grade
All Sorts34
8:15PM Court 2
Semi Final B Grade
Contact Keeper35
Thursday 15 Feb 2024

3rd/4th playoff
4:00PMCourt 2
The A Team
vsAll Sorts

B Grade Grand final
6:45PMCourt 1
Contact Keeper
39 - 40
Long Shots 2.0

7th/8th playoff
6:45PMCourt 2
40 - 21

7:30PMCourt 1
34 - 37
Thursday 15 February 2024
4:00PM Court 2
3rd/4th playoff
The A Team
All Sorts
6:45PM Court 1
B Grade Grand final
Contact Keeper39
Long Shots 2.040
6:45PM Court 2
7th/8th playoff
7:30PM Court 1